Saturday, July 16, 2011

A Chance to Dance

I apologize in advance for any grammar or spelling mistakes.. it's 4am and I've never stayed up this late before.. I don't think... Kinda... It's been rare.

Anyway, I had to document this.. If you don't want to read about a romantic night, don't read further.


Tonight was amazing and I feel like Joseph and I bonded really closely without doing much. we were watching It's a Wonderful Life and had plans to go to the dance afterwards. Well, the 72 minutes of watching the movie were used up and the dance was about over, so we decided to go since Joseph had volunteered to help clean up. Such a wonderful, service-oriented guy. He's also very pro-active. I'm so thankful for him and his personality that allows himself to be who he is. I know that probably doesn't make sense, but at 4am, it makes sense.

While watching the movie, we cuddled and he told me to let him know if I'm uncomfortable in any way, to make sure he moved so I could be comfortable. I told him to do the same. After some adjusting, we were both quite comfy. He's really fun to cuddle with <3 He makes me feel so loved and appreciated... Something I've never experienced with such a fullness that I feel when I'm with him. He goes the extra mile to make sure I'm comfortable and loved; I can only hope I at least return the love that he gives me. We both feel very spiritually, emotionally, and physically attracted to each other... Tonight he called me to tell me of a quote written by.. what was his name.. Marvin... Jensen..? Something like that. Anyway, it explained a little about how when we meet someone who shares the same goals, especially in teaching the gospel principles to children, it's the most spiritually gratifying feeling one can feel. I'm probably butchering the quote somehow, but that was the essence i got at 4am in the morning. :D

I'm so zonked... I wonder how late I'll sleep in tomorrow. I love Joseph so much, (Yes, it's Joseph now. Me and San broke up after a 4 month relationship because we prayed about it and it was a "No" answer. Then Joseph comes along and I pretty much get a YES! DEFINITELY YES! answer before we even started dating) neither of us can wait until we get married. But we'll try. :) Today(yesterday) we applied for TVA housing (Temple View Apartments) for married couples and had to pick a date for our wedding, which is now tentatively April 6th, 2012. I honestly want it sooner.. Hehe.. but we have to have the test of time. I think we're already having separation anxiety. XD We've only been dating since July 5th, 10-11 days. A week and a half. And it feels like it's been an eternity. He told me the other day about a comparison in relationships as to when people should get married. He said that relationships are like plants. Once they grow up to a certain height, they can't go higher. That apex represents marriage. different plants grow at different rates and some grow faster than others. I see us as one of those plants. We might even already be half way grown by now and we really don't know. Anyway, next thursday is our ward temple day and I'll be praying and fasting to know if he's the one (which I already know is true) and when we should get married.

Another thing to note about our relationship:

We've promised not to kiss each other on the lips until the alter. I've always wanted to try it! I thought it was so romantic and sacred when I first heard about a couple who hadn't kissed til the alter. Mind you we kiss on the cheeks, nose, chins.. but otherwise we don't kiss on the mouth. We've come close so many times but we're keeping our wits about us. Which I'm about to pass out now. Gnight~

Hawaii Befu