Sunday, August 21, 2011

Finally Engaged!!!

Yesterday was a day to remember, that's for sure. Joseph had said that he wanted to wake up, do some homework, fly kites, and pack a dinner so we could have a picnic at The Point while watching the sunset. Now.. This sounded like just a normal date (though a romantic one) so I didn't want to get ahead of myself and guess if he was going to propose or not. Well, we had a really late night on Friday so we slept in Saturday and... it was rainy. :( So we weren't able to fly kites.. So instead, I cleaned my room while he did homework. It was getting close to sunset when I finally finished cleaning and he got to a stopping point, so we rushed to Foodland, a local grocery store, grabbed some bread (a nice, hefty loaf of french bread), mayonnaise, and the most affordable meat we could afford. honey-glazed ham. Mmmmm... Then we walked up the road to the Point, a rocky location off the beach overlooking the ocean. It's a great spot for sunsets, but because of the rain, the sky was covered in clouds. There was a nice break near where the sun was going to set, though, so it looked like we'd at least get some color from it. :)

We put together the sandwich while we had extra time before the sunset. Joseph was sitting behind me and I was sitting in front on a little ledge beneath his little ledge (only a couple inches difference in height) Katie and Jessi both called during this time LOL. I didn't know what Joseph had planned so I actually answered the phone. Joseph let out a small "No D:" when I did. XD Anyway, when the sandwich was all made and I was off the phone, he told me to hold on just a sec, that he needed to do something. So he stood up and sat beside me and sang "Our Savior's Love" which has a special meaning to both of us. Then got down on one knee and asked if I'd marry him. I felt bad for his knee because the terrain was so jagged and rocky! I held my breath for a moment, letting it all sink in, then said yes. I didn't realize how long of a wait it must have been for him.. hehe... The ring was a ctr - proxy ring with a picture of the ring he ordered for me cut out sitting behind the ring. It was so cute of him to do that. It's the perfect ring THAT'S for sure! I can't wait until he puts it on my finger.. again.. Hehe... It's being resized and should be ready within a few weeks or less! Maybe even by the end of this week!!

So he got back into his little spot and we watched the sun set. It was a special point of the day when the sky and almost everything it touches turns purple and the clouds turn gold/brazen. It's his favorite time of the day and now every day when it reaches that point, we'll remember that special event. <3

While watching the sunset we were taking bites of our epic sandwich. I'd take a bite, he'd take a bite, I'd take a bite... we'd try to get the other to eat the best parts of the sandwich. It was fun. When the sun had gone down and it was getting pretty dark, we packed up and headed down to the GCB to play some cards with some friends. Great, great night. <3 And of course I called home and told them the great news. :)