Thursday, December 30, 2010

Power went out

Well that was an eventful day! The power went out in the hotel during the day when we came home from roaming the island shopping areas. It was pitch black in the hallways and walking down the stairs. One of the bellboys said that was the first time in 15 years of his working there that something like this has happened. So that was fun! Someone had their wedding today, too. XD We’re all wondering how the hotel will compensate for the outage. 8D

We got our nails done and the guy who did mine didn’t do too well of a job… and the flowers he did were kinda sloppy. XD His hands were shaking so I’m not surprised. Next time I’ll just do it myself. I found a place that sells nail polish for under $2 close by so I’ll hit that up sometime.

It was funny… When we came home from eating at L&L’s (and after buying me some cargo pants that actually FIT) we went up to mom and dad’s room to do family prayer.. but there was a mosquito buzzing around.. Dad whacked it and it fell onto his side of the bed, where he whacked it again.. and blood smeared all over his sheets LOL. SO GROSS! We were trying to figure out whose blood it was… XDD Good stuff. Really funny. Now he has to sleep in it. 8D

Well, I’m tired and I have to get up early tomorrow to go to a school orientation thingy. So good night~!

Hawaii Beth

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Finally Here!

Yay! I figured out how to update! Using the hotel’s internet, it’s a PAIN to go to the site, so I’m editing this through Windows Live Writer.

So we got to Hawaii safely and we’re staying at the Turtle Bay Resort. It’s a whoooooole lot bigger than we had anticipated. Today we set out to buy some supplies for the apartment. We tried to also buy my meal ticket, but I can’t buy it until I have my student ID, which I get on monday.. I think. While at the mall there was a movie theater so we decided to see Yogi Bear. Eh.. it was okay. I think they did well trying to keep it accurate to the oldie cartoons, though, so that was a plus. (A little TMI coming up..) Anyway, two minutes before the movie ended I started to feel REALLY nauseous and was about to throw up. I suppressed the urge, though, until the movie ended.  Long story short, I’m feeling better without having to have had to upchuck.

The mall was wicked awesome! There was a black-light mini-golf right in there, a cute pet shop with shiba inu puppies, good clothing stores, and awesome food. We stopped by an ATT kiosk and got some charges taken out of our phone bill and I got a new phone. I don’t know if I like it any better than my old phone, but I just can’t keep using my old phone since it’s gone a bit loose around the hinges. But I’m not throwing it away just yet, so if I ever get a chance to fix it, I’ll switch my sim card back.

In other news, we bought me a bathroom scale.. which is about 15 pounds off. But that’s okay cuz I just want to regulate my weight anyway. It doesn’t have to be correct. It better do its job!

So that’s about all I’m going to update right now. Hawaii’s awesome and I’m really looking forward to staying for school. Buh bye for now!

Hawaii Beth

Sunday, December 19, 2010

One Week Countdown

Officially one more week until we leave for Hawaii! I'm STOKED! I haven't started packing yet and I still have some Christmas cards to write... So I'll be doing those two things for the majority of this week. WOOHOO HAWAII! It says it's going to be raining in LA for the next few weeks with a break from the rain on thursday and friday, but I'll admit. I'll be a little sad to see the rain go away and be replaced by perfect weather. I hope it rains in Hawaii soon. X3

Hawaii Beth