Saturday, January 22, 2011

Best Day Ever

So yesterday started out great by me getting a 97 on a math test = my first math test in probably 7 years. Well actually probably 4… I forgot I took a math class in College. I don’t count it. XD

That started my day off just fine. Then I did some laundry and was looking forward to going to Kaneohe to the mall with all of my friends! While calling everyone to make sure we knew what was going on, San said that he’d be later getting out of work. So I talked to Trezlyn about it and they took the bus while I waited for San. So San and I drove in his car to Kaneohe, leaving an hour later than everyone else, and when we got there, the people riding the bus  had only been there for 15 minutes. Wow. That’s a LONG bus ride. We decided later to squish everyone into the car (5 people in a 4-seat car) since the bus ride wasn’t very appealing to the others who had ridden it to get to the mall.

We shopped in a little clothing store but didn’t buy anything. Took some fun pictures, we know it’s there now, so we might go back there sometime. Though much of their attire isn’t very fitting for someone with garments…

Then we went to the chinese market on the second floor of the mall! THAT WAS SO COOL! I bought some Pineapple flavored Ramune and everyone thought it was such a cool looking bottle that they all bought one of every other flavor. Mine won as most tasty. :D It was so funny – San bought a container of just.. dried seaweed sheets to eat as a snack. When he opened the lid, there was a seal so you couldn’t get to the seaweed. So we all tried stabbing it with our fingers and it wouldn’t tear! So San poses to like.. do a judo move or something. ‘gathering energy’ to poke the hole. And it doesn’t go through! XD He hurt his finger along with the rest of us. So I got out my keys and STABBED it, Karate style. MWAHAHA.

Then we hung out a little, going to a few more shops and ate sushi at the end. Reinya and her friend… I can’t remember his name now… James…? No… Scott? Might have been Scott.. iunno. I got a video of us all eating and having fun. Then Reinya and her date went home on the bus because they had an all-day ticket and the other girls rode home with us. After San and I dropped them off, he asked me what I wanted to do. I said, “Well, honestly, I don’t feel like going home. So whatever you want to do.” So he makes the suggestion of going to the beach. He had wanted to buy a towel while at the mall and couldn’t find one, so I said that we should go to Foodland and get him a towel for the beach. :) While we were there we bought some cheap flipflops so we could walk on the sand with something other than our nice shoes. We headed over there, parked the car, then walked a ways on the beach, (I brought a flashlight) checking out the crabs along the way. They’d run SO fast towards the water that it looked like they were surfing the sand!

We found a good spot and placed the towel on the ground and lay down, looking up at the stars. We talked for probably an hour and a half, each of us knowing what was coming next. XD Finally he broke the ice and asked if I would “Hang out” with him. (CUTEST THING IN THE WORLD! He mixed that phrase up with ‘go out’) Then he held out his hand and I held it. We just sat there looking up at the stars holding hands, talking a little bit… I asked at one point if he was jealous when Masa hugged me while at the ‘Linger Longer’ on Sunday, and he said yes. Then he asked if we could hug again. And we did. Which led into kissing.

best kisser in the world

It started to get cold so we headed back to the car to find that the gate leading out of the parking lot was closed and locked. XD So we walked home, leaving his car there. It was a nice walk. We walked down the road where the temple is and I was surprised to see SO MANY COUPLES just sitting on temple road. XD At.. 1am. But then again, there was a dance going on last night until midnight, so I guess it’s not that surprising. We walked until we got to my home, kissed goodnight, then the moment I walked in the door, my room mates were all “Tell us!” So I did. It was great fun. The only thing is.. I went to bed around 2, didn’t really ever fall asleep because my heart was pounding the entire night, then woke up at 5:30 to get ready for a sunrise breakfast with Trezlyn’s ward. BEAUTIFUL sunrise. I was feeling a little sick because I didn’t get a lot of rest, I was hungry, and a little cold.. But I realized I was starting to feel sick because I’m dehydrated. So I’ll be drinking PLENTY of water today.

So that’s that! Best. Day. Ever.

Hawaii Beth

And no this is not going to affect my studies.

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