Wednesday, January 5, 2011

First Day of School in Hawaii

How many people can leave their school and have it be a perfect day, though slightly more on the warm side (about 75 degrees), with awesome Hawaiian/Polynesian music playing about a block away so you can hear it when you leave your classroom… on January 5th? 8D

So today was my first day of school and it was alright.. except for lugging my books around. Which I didn’t need to do in the first place. Cuz it’s the first day of school and you never use your books on the first day of school. Not to mention I was lugging them around in a laptop-carrying bag (laptop was NOT in there with the books thank GOODNESS! That’d be an extra 7 lbs added to the already shoulder-wrecking weight) Now.. that’s not even the beginning to why it was annoying. I got up this morning, sleeping in til 7:30, and had a bunch of things that I had to do today – get my TB-shot read, apply for a few more jobs, add another class, eat breakfast, print a syllabus, hope to find and talk to an academic adviser, and find my classes before they actually started. Thinking I wouldn’t have time to come home before class started, I lugged my books around with me. The entire morning. Only to find that I had an hour of free time after I had finished ALL of this stuff. So I lugged the books back home to find that my shoes had worn my heel down to bleeding. 9_9 Took a nap, put on Band-Aids, and trudged out the door again. I went to my religion class (Book of Mormon), did that for an hour, then had to make my way to the other side of campus to my Spanish class. I walked in a few minutes late because WITHOUT the added baggage, it could take up to 10 minutes just to get there. For the record, that’s longer than me walking to school from my apartment. THEN add a 10 lb bag to the equation with damaged heels… I got to class late. Oh, not to mention the professor (an Elder by the way; a missionary) let us out a couple minutes late. XD

So that was the first half of the day. Then came Spanish. Of course I could understand everything she said while I got to notice how newbies to a language react when they can’t understand a word that’s being said. In the ramblings of the teacher, (she was speaking 90% spanish the entire class period) she said “and if anyone can understand me, you’re probably in the wrong class”. XD 8D~ MWAHAHAHahahhaa… It was really fun to see how she taught, though, while understanding her completely. Then for the last part of class we went outside in groups of 7 to talk about why we wanted to learn Spanish. The Tutor of the class (Mexican girl) came to our group of 6 and I got to speak with her in Spanish for the majority of the time- AND I’M VERY RUSTY. I can understand everything but thinking of what to say is just.. Blarg. So that’s why I’m going back to the basics- so I can learn grammar and increase my lost vocabulary and hopefully by the end of the semester or by the time I get to the 300/400 class, I’ll be able to speak fluidly again.

Then we went back to the classroom and it had locked behind all of us. And the teacher didn’t have the key. LOL. So we had to wait for someone to come open the door for us.

Then I ran into Trezlyn and she accompanied me to my apartment and I finally showed her around! I checked my student bulletin e-mail and there was something about a choir class that was open to students and faculty to come sing if they wanted. (Trezlyn had already told me about the e-mail before we came home and I opened the email) So we tried that out and I wasn’t so sure about staying in the class or signing up for it, but Trezlyn was all for it. By the end of class, I was totally loving it and want to go to it TWTh, but Trezlyn wasn’t so sure about it because she wasn’t really confident about singing in a real choir setting. But I’m sure she’ll do fine. And the worst that can happen is that she comes away learning a bit more about choir and how to read music. It was a big enough choir of music majors that they can make up for us non-majors :)

So that was fun and here I am. We were thinking of doing something else after we skyped our parents, but it’s dark now and I’m sure she won’t want to be prancing around at this hour. I know I don’t really wanna. XD But there’s a dance on Friday from 9-12 and I might wanna go to that, at least for an hour. Well, I’m not gonna take much more time writing this. I’m gonna get ready for bed. Night all!

Hawaii Beth

1 comment:

  1. Loved reading through your first few experiences at BYUH. I went to school there years ago, and there is nothing like that place. Good luck!
