Sunday, January 16, 2011


Sooooooo…… Sam gave me 12 boxes of ramen today LOL. Chicken flavored 8D I think he’s actually starting to like me cuz he HUGGED me today! *GASP*

Today in Relief Society our lesson was on Sacrifice. I learned something the other day about the story of how the Young Nobleman asked the Savior what more should he do since he’s been keeping the commandments from his youth, and the Savior said that he should sell everything and follow him. Well, after the kid sulked away cuz he didn’t wanna do that, Jesus said that it’s easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into heaven. Well, I learned the other day what the “eye of the needle” really is. XD When camels go into a city, they pass through a small door-way entrance.. thing.. It’s just tall enough for an unloaded camel to move through. So if a camel had all of its packings still on it, it’d be nearly impossible for it to go through the entryway, thus they had to be unloaded before coming in. So it’s easier for a camel, UNLOADED (symbolism = without riches) to enter through the eye of the needle than for a rich man (STILL LOADED WITH RICHES) to go to Heaven.

Get it?

I thought that was awesome.

Now to read the scriptures and do my Religion Class homework. :D I’m happy to do Book of Mormon homework on Sunday cuz it keeps me focused on good things!

Hawaii Beth

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