Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Finally Moved In

Well, this is my first night officially living in the “Tevita’s House”. Really it’s a nice apartment with its occasional cockroach and ant line. But it’s nicer than any of the apartments I lived in while in Spain. And so far all of my room mates are very nice. I just have to remember who’s who and what’s what around here. XD

Oh, and I had my first run-in with a small cockroach. I named him Mate (Not “mah-tay”) and he lived in the toilet paper roll that was hanging next to the toilet. I took some pictures of him so maybe I’ll include one in this post that I’ll edit later on. Tomorrow I have to get up super early so I have to go to bed now. Good night all! Oh, one more thing, my CIS class was cancelled this week! So I don’t have to worry about my morning classes on Wednesday and Friday this week! But next week will start it all sooooo I hope I can enjoy it while it lasts X] Good night~!

Hawaii Beth

ps. I still don’t have internet. For some reason the security key wasn’t accepted so I’ll need to fix that later. Right now I’m on an open internet connection.

1 comment:

  1. LOL You named him?? XDD That's cuuuute. I thought you didn't like bugs though? @^@

    Yay for having some extra free time with a class canceled. >w< Hehe. I still need to finish up/send to you the Java book. @w@ Remind me about that.
