Sunday, January 9, 2011

A date?!

So tonight – ew… my roommates are farting… loudly… That’s so gross… It’s one thing if they’re friends- eeeeeeeeeeeew TMI REALLY D<


Tonight I went out to eat at the cafeteria. Bumped into Sam (chinese) from my ward and as he was saying hi to me, he did the classic… *saying-hi-to-girl-while-walking-and-doesn’t-see-the-guy-behind-him-walking-towards-him-CONTACT! plate and food drops* So I felt bad for him and sat with him (especially since those were the only seats available). We talked about random things while eating then when I was about to go, he asked if he could get me some water. Sooooo I went ahead and said yes since I hadn’t had some (I don’t think he knew where the water was ((it took me a while to find the water my first time, too)) so I watched him try to find it XD) I introduced myself to some of his chinese friends while he was gone and I finished and… he left with me. o_o So he walked me quite a ways until the library where we split. While walking I learned that he LIKES X JAPAN! WOOT! He asked for my number and is gonna call me in like.. 15 minutes so we can meet up before the fireside. Now.. this would be great and all….

except that I can’t understand half of what he says.

Wish me luck tonight D:
Hawaii Beth

EDIT: It turns out that I CAN understand him. It's just that the cafeteria was so loud that I couldn't hear half of what he said.

1 comment:

  1. The secret life of girls (aka farting roomates :p ).So it's not just guys that are gross . Sounds like (pun intended)you might want to stock up on scented candles lol XD
