Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Notes from my Entrepreneur Class

Taking Control

(IGNORE)(As you begin to observe life, what are you going to leave your posterity? Learn to write your biography – record your thoughts as you learn life lessons. You need to be watching life and recording it.)

(IGNORE)(Best in the world – 97% retention in training and most people (internationally) bought the product. A year from now they could predict accurately how much of the trainees would still be buying/using the product. Franklin Time Management was the best in training because the ‘memorizing’ lasted longer. Most ‘training memory’ is very temporary and won’t last)

60 minutes per day x 17 hours = 1020 minutes every single day (if you get 7 hours of sleep) Those are 1020 (or 960 if you get 8 hours) moments you can take advantage of. (He had us stare at him for one minute without looking away. It was a fairly long amount of time)
Time = series of events that happen one after the other. Those who take those 1020 events seriously and use them wisely truly rule the world.

Abigail Adams to John Quincy Adams:

  • These are times in which a genius would wish to live. It is not in the still calm of life, or the repose of a pacific station, that great characters are formed. Would Cicero have shone so distinguished an orator if he had not been roused, kindled, and inflamed by the tyranny of Catiline, Verres, and Mark Anthony? The habits of a vigorous mind are formed in contending with difficulties. All history will convince you of this, and that wisdom and penetration are the fruit of experience, not the lessons of retirement and leisure. Great necessities call out great virtues. When a mind is raised and animated by scenes that engage the heart, then those qualities, which would otherwise lie dormant, wake into life and form the character of the hero and the statesman.

We’re the generation who will either solve this international crisis, or be consumed by it. You do not become great in calm waters.

Franklin Tri-quation
Self Esteem = Productivity = Event Control*
All three are equal. What you do to one, you do to the others.
We all feel a low point of one of all or one of those in our lifetime. It’s 100% personal. To go back up, or increase all three at once. To get those back up to a high point, control more events in your day*. Take the 1020 moments in your day and control them! It will increaswe productivity which will increase self-esteem. (So how I can apply this, is, instead of playing video games or doing things online, I could do something more productive – look for a job.. read up on current events.. read a book that I still need to finish.. etc)


Plan & Prioritize- Everything starts with a plan. It only takes 10 minutes to plan! (or less) Prioritize it. Write all the things you have to do or want to do that day on a list. Go down the list and put the activities into one of 3 categories: A, B, or C. A’s = HAVE to. B’s = OUGHT to do. C’s = WANT to do. Then take all of the events in category A and number them.. 1,2,3,4,5… in order of priorities. Then do the same to categories B and C. You can now take control of your day! It magnifies your priority. (What comes to mind when you think of a magnifying glass? BURN ANTS! You focus all of that energy onto one point on the ground and it burns ants.) So now you can focus on the most important things with all of your energy. Make a checklist. Use the endorphins you get from checking it off the list as motivation! Don’t you just feel SO GOOD checking things off a list?

  • Put an arrow next to an event you were unable to accomplish that day, but need to do another day.
  • Put an X next to an event that is no longer important.

Comfort Zone- Imagine people standing in a circle holding a piece of cloth with a ball in the center. It’s going to be drooping down a little, right? That’s the Comfort Zone. Resting at its lowest point. We all have them in life. Bed, videogames, friends, the beach.. you waste time when you don’t have a plan. The ONLY way out of your comfort zone is having a GOAL. You have to have a goal to get out of it!


The Franklin Pyramid             Now –> Productivity Points (Using those 1020 moments)
(It’s supposed to be inside a 3 tier pyramid)

                                                                Today I will…          Using Today’s Goals to get to the “I will” goals

                          I will…  short/long term goals to get to the “I am” goals
                                                                   What will you do in order to become___? By
                                                                   doing these goals you become what you want to
                                                                   become in the “I am” goals
   I am… (Positive Affirmation) Governing
                                                                            values/principles you want to become.
                                                                            Example: “I am like God” “I am a
                                                                            wonderful husband” “I make time for my
                                                                            family above everything else”



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